Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Glossary Concept Quiz Glossary Quiz - 812 Words
Ali DeLine Ortiz Edu 201 February 1, 2016 Glossary Concept Quiz Chapter One: 1. Assessment-context that is defined clearly to learners and shows the assessors what the learners understands. 1. 2.Criterion-referenced test- discovering what a learner knows about addition tow digit numbers without regrouping the numbers. 2. Norm-referenced assessment- determination of how much a student knows compared to the other students. 3. Formative assessment-Teachers that collect evidence about what a student still needs to comprehend and adaptions that are made to meet the student’s needs. 4. Summative assessment- uncovering a students knowledge and is able to present that knowledge at a certain period of time. 5. 6.Reliability- material that is consistent and is repeated across many administrations. 6. Validity- clear evidence that is related to what is being taught and what is being assessed. Chapter Two: 1. 1-Developmental learning theories- change of development of oneself over a period of time, from birth to adulthood. 2. 2-Mastery goal orientation- desire to learn new skill for the sake of learning. 3. 3-performance goal orientation-the learners inclination to demonstrate a new skill and compare their results to others. 4. 4-Self-efficacy- desired outcome based of one’s feeling. 5. 5-Social learning theories- the interaction between the learners and the social environment around them. 6. 6- Testing- evaluating students skills and knowledge by their performance of aShow MoreRelatedDoc, Docx, Pdf, Wps, Rtf, Odt683 Words  | 3 Pages ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * * * ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form SignUp|Loginor use Bottom of Form * Home * Articles * Docs * Concepts * BrandGuide * Colleges * Forum * Careers * FunCorner * Quizzes * You are here:  Home BrandGuide FMCG Lifebuoy Lifebuoy lt; Lever Ayush.. |  | Liril 2000.. gt; | Lifebuoy | Parent Company | HUL | Category | Personal Care –Read MoreEntrance Essay1222 Words  | 5 Pagesaddition, review the summary and glossary at the end of each chapter in the textbook. 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Even in this current ISTC course, online testing has been utilized. With concepts such as web-based questionnaires, interactive videos and games, â€Å"hands-on†websites that pose questions, possibilities for new and exciting alternatives and advancements are endless. There are even interactive videos that quiz and test students. With an ever-expanding field of information technology, classrooms will hopefully be adjusting to the new availabilitiesRead MoreImportant of English Language4703 Words  | 19 Pagesnote-taking system, which involves writing grouping your notes around keywords that you can quiz yourself on later by covering the notes and trying to remember what you wrote based on seeing only the keyword.[3] †¢ 9 If your textbook has a vocabulary section, a glossary, or a list of terms, make sure that you understand these completely. You dont have to memorize them, but whenever there is an important concept in a particular field, there is usually a special term to refer to it. 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Pavlov found that when he sounded the tone repeatedly without presenting food, the dog’s salivation also decreased. After the conditioning phase, the conditioned response (CR) gets weaker when the conditioned
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